Friends of Page Park

The Revel Rebels loved it!
Image Credit: Paul Graham

The Big Lunch 2017

Sunday 4th June 2017 : 11am to 5pm

Image Credit: Paul Graham
Image Credit: Paul Graham

​​​A big thank you to Ian Boulton for his usual excellence as our compere for the day. 

The music on the bandstand was fantastic, with lots of local performers keeping us entertained.  The kids loved the punch-and-judy show as well as the rides games and entertainment.   Food stalls, charity stalls and a plant sale - thank you to Liz who put on an amazing plant stall and raised over £382 which will go in our plant fund for future plant purchases.  ​​

The Marionettes

Finally, thank you to the numerous volunteers who helps at the event, from early morning to late.  It really does make a difference to us and helps to ensure a successful event.  For those who already help we would love to see you again - have a look on our volunteering page for where we need help next.  For those who would like to join in or would just like to join our meetings, then please contact us. ​​

Image Credit: Paul Graham

We all had a brilliant time at the BIG lunch on Sunday and we hope you did too.   The sun was with us for most of the day, although a few little sharp showers tested our resolve!​  It was really nice to see so many of you enjoying your picnics with family and friends.

Thank you to local photographer, Terry Graham, for his montage of photos from the day, and to all others who provided photos of their day.  If you have images you'd like to share then please do get in touch.

Do you have a good photo from the day - please get in touch.

Image credit: Lucy Belcher
The Revel Rebels loved it!
Engine Room

​We were delighted at the huge amount of interest in our renovations and the in particular the new cafe/community room which is coming soon.  A lot of hard work goes into organising the Friends so it is a genuine delight so see people engaged in what is happening in the park now and in the future.​​