Friends of Page Park

Did you miss the Big Lunch? Did you come and now want more?  Look at the Music in the Park  and Calendar pages to find out details of the next events.

Our compere for the day turned out in a suitably patriotic shirt.

The BIG Lunch 2016

Sunday 12th June 2016


WOW what a fantastic day! Thank you so much to everyone who helped out and came along to the Big Lunch on Sunday enabling the event to be such a tremendous success. Thank you to those up at dawn putting out traffic cones and gazebos and to everyone who manned stalls, pitched in with all manner of different jobs and brought their friends, family and neighbours along to enjoy the day. It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying the park, the brilliant music acts in the bandstand, the fabulous food and the range of activities and stalls which provided something for everyone!

Here are just a few photos from the day​.

And members of the Page family were able to join in with everyone else in enjoyment of the park given to the people of Staple Hill by Alderman Page over 100 years ago.

What a blessing that the weather turned out to be perfect for a picnic!